This is a minimalist reboot of the website for the Thumb Calendar project, launched back in 2007 This is the 2022 edition made by Spencer Arquimedes:

How It Works
First half of the year is on one side of the card, the rest of the year is on the other. The field of numbers is shared among the six months on each side. The header of each month is appropriately aligned to show the actual days of the week.
- Find the month you want to read.
- Use your thumbs to cover the numbers that are not directly below (above) the month header.
Note the color of the month header. The last day of the month is rendered in the same color.
Follow Us on:
You are very welcome to download and print as many copies as you wish as long as this is done for your personal purposes. Please contact Adam if you wish to use the design of the calendar commercially, e.g. to promote your company or institution. A range of licensing packages is available.
A one-year license to issue a branded version of Thumb Calendar has been already granted to the following entities:
- Prague Philharmonic Choir, Czech Republic
- Biocolor Ltd., United Kingdom
- Centro di Radiodiffusione Cristiana, Italy
- Minuteman Press, Port Clinton, OH, USA
- Wellstream International Limited, United Kingdom
- Escuelas Libres, Argentina
Brief History
This effort started as Adam Sporka's submission to Eliazar's Infodesign Challenge in 2007 which Adam happened to win. (Thanks Eliazar!; Unfortunately, his website is no longer accessible.) Since then Adam received a flattering number of comments, e-mails, and licensing requests from around the world. The calendar appeared on blogs written in many languages, including English, Spanish, and Japanese.
Many recent editions were created by Jonathan Richard-Brochu who stepped in for a late 2015 edition and regular 2016, 2017, and 2018 editions.
By Jonathan Richard-Brochu with enhanced visual guides.




(c) 2006--2022 Adam Sporka and contributors